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Ask the Scientist

Dr. Jeff Golini is busting myths and bringing you the truth!
Dr. Jeff Golini Headshot

From Gold's To The Lab

Dr. Jeff Golini isn't exactly an "Egghead-White-Lab-Coat-Wearing-I-Do-Calculus-Just-For-Fun" kind of scientist. He's someone who has actually lived the sport of hardcore competitive bodybuilding.

In fact, he once tipped the scales at over 270 lbs of rock-hard mass. And that was back in the '80s... when anything over 225 lbs was considered freaking, "off-the-charts" huge.

As a scientist, Jeff Golini rocked the supplement industry by inventing Kre-Alkalyn - earning him an official U.S. Patent on June 4th, 2002. He now has 2 patents with 33 more ready to issue at any time worldwide. Jeff was also the first scientist to discover the Nitric Oxide amplifying agent AAKG (L-Arginine-alpha-Ketoglutarate).

Not only that, but Jeff was also the first person to bring Near-Infrared Analysis into the supplement industry. That's why he's sometimes listed as, "The Founding Father Of NIR".
Jeff Golini Poising In Gold's Gym

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