No other creatine works like Kre-Alkalyn EFX!

Backed By Science. Proven In The Gym!

Test Drive 10 Servings!

  • Not a subscription or autoship
  • 99% Pure Creatine Monohydrate!
  • Gain Strength & Build Muscle
  • NO Loading Or Cycling!
  • NO Side Effects!
  • Only Use 1.5-3 grams!
  • (Limit 1 per household)
Kre-Alkalyn Powder 20g blue Frost Sample

Our Certifications


Multi-Patented pH-Correct Creatine® by Dr. Jeff Golini offers a superior alternative to other creatine products on the market.

Traditional creatine supplements have pH levels below 7, which immediately begin converting to creatinine — a useless waste product — when mixed with a solution. (The lower the pH of the solution, the quicker the conversion.)

Kre Alkalyn EFX, however, has a multi-patented pH range of 12-14, resulting in a buffered, stable creatine monohydrate.

This means you only need 1.5-3 grams with no loading, no bloating, and no side effects!

Kre-Alkalyn pH chart


Built From The Ground Up and Manufactured in the U.S.

Kre-Alkalyn Powder 20g Blue Frost Supplement Facts

Creatine monohydrate is the single most studied sports supplement ever. It’s the top pre-workout and post-workout compound for athletes and bodybuilders who want to improve muscle mass, increase power, enhance performance, and accelerate muscle recovery.

Kre-Alkalyn EFX is 99.9% pure creatine monohydrate—science-backed, clinically tested, and safe for professional athletes looking for a legal edge!

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take 1 serving 30 minutes prior to workout and 1 serving after workout. On non-training days, take 1/2 serving with breakfast.

Kre-Alkalyn EFX Works!

Real-World Reviews From Our Satisfied Users

    "The Kre Alkalyn EFX powder is one of the top creatines on the market. Kre Alkalyn is very mixable and no bloating occurs. It is very absorbable and never fails to disappoint. You just need 1.5 grams per serving daily; no loading phases required."
    "I have been using Kre-alkalyn for 5 years and I love this product. The flavor is a winner, super easy to drink first thing in the morning. Not too sweet not chalky, 4oz of water and you're done."
    "Great tasting and without the boating, I mix it in with BCAAs and drink it while I do my workout."


Kre-Alkalyn Powder pH chart

Don't take our word for it... see for yourself!

Test Drive 10 Servings!

  • Not a subscription or autoship
  • 99% Pure Creatine Monohydrate!
  • Gain Strength & Build Muscle
  • NO Loading Or Cycling!
  • NO Side Effects!
  • Only Use 1.5-3 grams!
  • (Limit 1 per household)
Kre-Alkalyn Powder 20g blue Frost Sample